Fundraising Tips

Are you just being busy being busy at your nonprofit?

You find out exactly what nonprofit organizations need and what they lack by working in nonprofits.

Likewise, you see what board members of nonprofit organizations need by watching them struggle with moving the organization forward.

You know what nonprofits need when you realize they do not know what they do not know, yet struggle on blindly just the same.

I’ve witnessed many nonprofits stay busy being busy and wonder aloud how they can take their organization to the next level.

They think they can’t. And, that’s the problem.

They can… once they think they can.

They can when they stop doing what they’ve been doing and start doing what they ought to do.

They can when they make moves to learn new strategies and ways to tell their story.

They can when they invest in training, tutorials and tools that show them how to pivot and expand their ability to grow.

They can when they begin to believe they can.

But how is that possible? How does leadership of a nonprofit grab the bull by the horns and begin a new reinvention of itself?

It begins with recognition that it is more painful to stay the same than to change.

Tony Robbins said it best: “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”

The massive payoff is worth the pain and all the trouble. The payoff is when a nonprofit organization renews its image and its reputation in their local community to the point that they step to the head of nonprofits and establish themselves as a trusted team that truly leads.

That’s what I deliver in my book “The 4-Hour Fundraiser” and here on my website

Tools. Tutorials. Lessons. Learning opportunities. A roadmap. The shortcuts that take them to where they want to be in the shortest amount of time and effort.

I’ve developed a system based on my real-world experience — on the work I’ve done that works — a system that leads any small hometown nonprofit to become more and do more. More fundraising success. More fundraising clout. More fundraising impact. More fundraising donors and volunteers.

But knowing how to raise money is not the only key to nonprofit success; a nonprofit needs how to tell its story and how to get that story in front of its target audience. That’s why I’ve also developed training and online courses on the topic of nonprofit publicity.

In those courses nonprofits can leverage my know-how of writing the perfect news release that news editors love to get and even how an average writer can craft a compelling news article that can get published without much editing.

The secret in getting nonprofit’s publicity is a new understanding that local hometown media are stressed and understaffed to the max. You can sit around and complain about it or see it as the perfect opportunity to exploit it and use it to your advantage. I have. And, I will show you how you can do it too.

Underlying everything is my firm belief that nonprofit leaders must become storytellers and leave breadcrumbs in their tales they weave to bring donor dollars to the coffers of their nonprofit’s bank account.

It’s no crime to ask for money when you’ve doing good things for your community.

In fact, think of it this way: you’re helping to put your community outreach in a new light and your sponsors will be able to bask in this spotlight. You’re doing them a favor.  Approach your fundraising with this mindset and the whole fundraising effort becomes much easier. Less stressful. More fun.

Fun fundraising? Am I joking? No. I’ve experienced the low-stress, high-payoff fundraiser, and I can help you experience it too.

The entire theme of “The 4-Hour Fundraiser” revolves around a low-key, low-stress approach to any worthwhile fundraising campaign. Notice that I said “worthwhile.” Simply make the decision that you’ll only run a fundraiser for a worthy aim and you’ll never work hard a single day of that campaign. It will be fun, exciting, rewarding.

See the difference?

Like Steve Covey suggests: “Begin with the end in mind” each day, and you too can begin a difficult task of raising money by ensuring that a successful outcome is not only about the money, but also it is about the impact and completing your mission.

Seriously, the challenges that nonprofit organizations face are numerous and can often be overwhelming.

Fundraising can be a never-ending battle, and finding new sources of support can seem like an impossible task. Volunteers can be difficult to recruit and manage, and even the most committed board members can be hard to come by.

Developing and implementing a clear strategic plan can be a daunting process, and effectively communicating to different audiences can feel like an uphill battle. Program evaluation, financial management, technology solutions, staff retention, collaborations and partnerships, advocacy and policy change, and addressing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion are all challenges that can leave nonprofits feeling frustrated and grumpy.

However, with dedication, focus, persistence, and a strong team, these challenges can be overcome, and nonprofit organizations can continue to make a positive impact in their communities.

I’ve compiled a number of articles and motivational tools to help fundraising pros stay inspired and fired up to keep “Dialing & Smiling” as they go about their work. I will be adding them into a e-learning section of this website. There are titles like:

“Why optimism is the crucial component of success in nonprofit fundraising campaigns”

“Motivational quotes that inspire shy fundraising participants to help them take massive action and reach their goals”

“Ways to beat procrastination when your fundraiser gets underway”

“Simple strategies fundraising pros use to eliminate self-doubt”

“How dialy routines can boost your productivity as a nonprofit fundraiser”

More will be added over the months ahead.

Yes, a rather long post, but vital for me to show and tell how this site will not only meet your expectations, it will exceed them.




* Photo courtesy of Olena Sergienko on Unsplash