What do sponsors expect from nonprofts anyway?

Creating Win-Win Sponsorship Programs: A Guide for Nonprofits

Sponsorship is a powerful way for companies to connect with potential customers and establish a positive brand image. It’s also an excellent opportunity for nonprofits to secure funding for their programs and events. However, securing a sponsor requires more than just a compelling pitch and a great cause. Nonprofits must also demonstrate that they can provide sponsors with the brand recognition, awareness, and exposure they seek. Here are 12 promises that nonprofits can make to their sponsors and keep them.

Logo Placement

  1. Companies want their logos to be prominently displayed on event materials, including websites, flyers, posters, and signage. Nonprofits can promise to feature their sponsor’s logos in prominent locations to ensure maximum visibility and brand recognition.

Positive Brand Recognition

  1. Sponsors want to be associated with causes and organizations that align with their values and demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility. Nonprofits can showcase their efforts to create positive change and demonstrate how they are working to make a difference in the world. For example, a nonprofit working to reduce carbon emissions can highlight how their sponsors’ sustainable practices and products contribute to this effort.

Long-term Opportunities

  1. Many companies seek partnerships that offer more than a one-time donation or event sponsorship. Nonprofits can provide opportunities for long-term collaboration, such as ongoing sponsorship of programs or projects that align with their sponsors’ values and objectives.

Booth Space

  1. Sponsors want to engage with event attendees and showcase their products and services. Nonprofits can offer booth space to sponsors, allowing them to connect with visitors one-on-one, display banners, and distribute samples.

Community Engagement

  1. Sponsors want to demonstrate their commitment to the community and connect with local leaders. Nonprofits can provide opportunities for sponsors to engage with local leaders and influencers, such as inviting them to speak at events or participate in media events.

Social Media Exposure

  1. Social media is a powerful marketing tool, and sponsors want to be part of the conversation. Nonprofits can offer social media exposure, such as live streaming or social media takeovers, to promote their sponsors’ brands and products.

Media Coverage

  1. Sponsors want to generate positive media coverage and brand recognition. Nonprofits can provide opportunities for media coverage, such as press releases or media events, to showcase their sponsors’ involvement and contributions.

Professional Development

  1. Sponsors want to invest in the professional development of their employees. Nonprofits can offer training or networking opportunities to sponsors, such as workshops or conferences, to help them develop new skills and expand their professional networks.

Employee Engagement

  1. Sponsors want to engage their employees in community service and volunteerism. Nonprofits can provide opportunities for employee engagement, such as volunteer days or team-building activities, to demonstrate their sponsors’ commitment to social responsibility.

Thought Leadership

  1. Sponsors want to be recognized as thought leaders and industry experts. A “thought leader” is somewhat of an outdated terms, and is often considered to be a ‘go-to expert’, consistently answering the top questions that seem to be on the minds of its target audience. It is not uncommon for “Thought Leaders” then to be  asked to speak at public events like workshops, trade conferences, or even online webinars to bring their unique perspective to share with the audience. Nonprofits can offer speaking opportunities to sponsors, such as keynote presentations or panel discussions, to showcase their expertise and position them as leaders in their field.

Product Placement

  1. Sponsors want to showcase their products and services to potential customers. Nonprofits can offer product placement opportunities, such as product demos or giveaways, to promote their sponsors’ products and create brand awareness.

Relationship Building

  1. Finally, sponsors want to build strong relationships with their nonprofit partners. Nonprofits can promise to provide regular updates on their programs and events, involve sponsors in decision-making processes, and maintain open lines of communication to build trust and foster a long-lasting partnership.

It is vital to remember that your nonprofit must offer more than just a great cause to secure sponsors. By providing opportunities for brand recognition, community engagement, and professional development, you can create a compelling value proposition for sponsors and build long-lasting partnerships. By delivering on these 12 promises, nonprofits can attract and retain sponsors, ensuring the continued success of their programs




  • Content curated by search on internet and OpenAI with formatting and editing by the JPC staff.