Staying motivated when fundraising gets tough

As a nonprofit fundraising professional, it’s not uncommon to experience dips in motivation while working to raise funds for your organization. The reality is that it’s not always easy to stay motivated when faced with the daily challenges that come with fundraising.

However, it’s essential to keep your drive and passion for your cause alive, and the following tips and actionable steps will help you do just that. The tips below will:

  • Identify nine powerful tips and three actionable steps to help nonprofit fundraising professionals stay motivated in their careers.
  • Help bring focus onto intrinsic motivation, setting goals of all sizes, overcoming bad habits, and finding motivation through the success of others.
  • Detail the actionable steps involve writing down goals, identifying and overcoming bad habits, and learning from successful individuals.
  • Offer up a handy list of suggested readings for further information on motivation.
  1. Determine “Your Why”: As a fundraiser, you’re working toward a cause that’s bigger than yourself. To maintain your motivation, you need to identify the deeper purpose behind your work. Ask yourself, “Why am I doing this? What impact am I making?” Knowing the answers to these questions will give you the drive to keep going.
  2. Choose to be Motivated: Motivation doesn’t always come naturally, so it’s essential to make a conscious effort to stay motivated. Set goals that excite you and share them with others as you call for your fundraising campaigns. When you have accountability to yourself, it’s easier to stay motivated.
  3. Identify the Bad Habits That Will Stop You: We all have bad habits that hold us back. Whether it’s procrastination, self-doubt, or fear of rejection when asking for a new donor to contribute to your nonprofit, it’s essential to identify the habits that are hindering your motivation. Once you know what they are, you can work to eliminate them.
  4. Create Goals of All Sizes: Fundraising can be a long and challenging process, so it’s important to set goals of various sizes. Big goals are exciting, but smaller goals are more attainable. When you achieve a smaller goal, it gives you the momentum to keep pushing towards the bigger goals.
  5. Stop the Negative Talk: Negative self-talk can be detrimental to your motivation. When you start hearing the negative voices reminding you why you cannot accomplish your goals, catch yourself and replace them with a reminder of all the positive outcomes that will occur when you achieve your goals.
  6. Avoid Overthinking: Fundraising can be a complex process, but don’t let overthinking paralyze you. Sometimes it’s more important to make a decision quickly and move on to the next prospect, rather than to overthink every last detail of a potential new donor who is stalling.
  7. Celebrate Your Wins: Celebrating your small wins is a great way to stay motivated while striving to meet your fundraising goal. Many of us have long-term goals that will take years to accomplish. Celebrating the progress you make along the way can make the journey more enjoyable day by day.
  8. Find Motivation Through the Success of Others: Learning about the success stories of others is a great way to build motivation. Find some people you admire and find out how they beat the odds. We’ve included some powerful inspirational books at the bottom of this page; check them out.
  9. Don’t be Afraid to Reevaluate Your Goals: As you continue to grow and evolve, your goals may change too. It’s okay to adjust your personal and professional goals to fit your values and excite you.

Fast-Action Steps:

  1. Write down “Your Why” for a particular fundraising goal. Knowing your purpose will aid you on tough days.
  2. Find a mentor — someone in your organization or in any local community organization where you are networking — who inspires you and delve in deep to learn more about how they reached their own level of success you wish to emulate.
  3. Write down the bad habits that stop you from being motivated and productive. Next, decide how to overcome them so that you can stay motivated.

Further Reading:


  • Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation


  • The Mountain Is You


  • Do It For Yourself: A Motivational Journal


  • Unstoppable: Motivation Secrets You Need


  • The Motivation Myth


Remember, fundraising is a journey, not a destination. Stay motivated and keep pushing forward toward your goals. With these tips and steps, you’ll be able to keep your passion and drive for your cause alive.








Ready for a way to make fundraising easier?

If so, click here and read how “The 4-Hour Fundraiser” can help you raise more money in less time, with less stress, without having to figure it all out by yourself or hire somebody to do it for you, so your nonprofit will have the funds it needs to accomplish its mission and goals.

Next: Read this article…

“How To Get More Done In Less Time: 6 Tricks To Regain Lost Focus When You’re Working On A Nonprofit Fundraising Campaign”


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