How To Get More Done In Less Time: 6 Tricks To Regain Lost Focus When You’re Working On A Nonprofit Fundraising Campaign


If you’re a nonprofit fundraiser struggling to keep your focus on your job, you’re not alone. Everyone loses focus at some point, but the good news is there are tricks you can use to minimize the chance of derailment and regain lost focus. Here are six tricks to help you get back on track.

The first trick is to remember your ‘why.’ Pay attention to why you are making these calls and reaching out to prospects. Reluctance to make your outgoing calls and make your “Ask Call” to your list is a sign that fear has crept into your dominating thoughts. Stop procrastination in its tracks by taking action without delay. Type up your reason for fundraising for this particular event, print it out, tape it somewhere in your workspace where you’ll look at it every hour. It helps regain lost focus.

The second trick is to silence your phone (and computer). We are all guilty of it. Every time your phone rings, vibrates, or lights up, you automatically look away from your task to glance at your phone. Stop those notifications, silence your phone, or put it out of your line of vision (in a desk drawer or up on a shelf). Since this system only requires an hour of your time at a stretch, it’s easier than you think to enjoy the sound of silence.

The third trick is to close your door. If your office is in a high traffic area, consider closing your door for a few hours a day so you can work through your more complicated tasks. This will give you more uninterrupted time to work.

The fourth trick is to take breaks. Taking breaks probably seems counterintuitive. However, taking breaks from work can give your mind a rest too. Also, if you know you have a ten-minute break coming up, it will provide you with an incentive to push through a laborious task.

The fifth trick is to stop multitasking. Multitasking means you are splitting your attention between multiple items, which means you are not giving anything your full attention. Focus on one task at a time.

The sixth and final trick is to remove internal distractions. Internal distractions are the little ideas, to-dos, and random thoughts that pop into your head while working on a different task. When this happens, take a moment to write down that thought/to-do, and then get back to work. Writing it down will allow your brain to let go of it while you get back to work, and you can revisit it later.

Regaining lost focus doesn’t have to be a carnival trick. With practice and the correct tools in place, you can restore your focus quickly and with little downtime and get back to the fundraising task at hand.

In addition to the six tricks mentioned above, it’s important to plan your day according to your ability to focus, your body’s natural rhythm, and be intentional when planning your day. Everyone has the same twenty-four hours in a day, yet some people get much more done than others. Being intentional when planning your day can make all the difference.

Tuning into your most productive time and making the most of it can reduce stress and overwhelm, making you less scattered. Plan time to eat that frog, use a timer method to laser focus throughout the day, and be honest about what you can accomplish. Overcommitting or underestimating how much time you need for the items on your to-do list can complicate and sabotage your focus.

By implementing these six tricks and planning your day accordingly, you can minimize the chance of losing focus and regain lost focus quickly and efficiently. Remember, it’s not about being perfect, but rather making progress every day.  If you’re struggling to stay motivated, check out this offer from one of our friends: “Build A Winning Mindset”

(See our page “Recommends” for more info about this free offer)







Ready for a way to make fundraising easier?

If so, click here and read how “The 4-Hour Fundraiser” can help you raise more money in less time, with less stress, without having to figure it all out by yourself or hire somebody to do it for you, so your nonprofit will have the funds it needs to accomplish its mission and goals.