What are the risks of not setting goals for your nonprofit fundraising campaign?


Failure to set goals for a nonprofit fundraiser can lead to several risks that your organization is very likely to face, such as:

  1. Poor Preparation
  2. Shortage of Funds
  3. Reliance on Unstable Revenue
  4. Progress in Fits & Starts
  5. Poor Management of Existing Resources
  6. Disengaged Donors

By not setting proper goals upfront for your nonprofit fundraising you run the risk of waking up one day to inadequate funds, an unhealthy dependence on unreliable sources of funds, non-existent progress, waste, as well as donors who have checked out.  Ultimately this leads to something far worse: permanent damage to your reputation.

This underscores why it is critical to follow proven best practices for fundraising if the aim is to achieve long-term sustainability of your nonprofit organization. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The tools on this site and in our publications can help you take your nonprofit to a healthy state.

But what about when to going gets rough in the fundraising arena?

Click here to read about staying motivated when the going gets tough