Fundraising Tips

Welcome to our new website… we’re glad you’re here!

Our new website is a resource for all nonprofit organizations interested in boosting their fundraising efforts, learning how to bring in more donations in less time, with less stress, and freebie downloads.

This year nonprofits are actively seeking new ways to stay connected with sponsors, with underwriters, with grant-makers, and with the local community they serve. They are trying to do more with less. They are struggling to make fundraising simpler with leaner staffs, less time, fewer volunteers.

We are excited to provide you with valuable fundraising content that can help you raise more money in less time, with less stress, and without having to hire an expensive outside firm to do it for you. Our goal is to help you get all the money you need to fund your mission and make a positive impact on the world.

Our website is designed to be a one-stop-resource for all your fundraising needs. We have a wide range of resources available to help you, including articles, guides, templates, and tools. Our content covers a variety of topics, including:

  1. Fundraising strategy: Learn how to create a comprehensive fundraising plan that aligns with your organization’s mission and goals.

  2. Donor engagement: Discover best practices for engaging with donors and building lasting relationships that drive donations.

  3. Fundraising events: Get tips and templates for planning and executing successful fundraising events that capture the attention of donors.

  4. Online fundraising: Learn how to leverage online fundraising platforms and social media to reach more donors and raise more money.

  5. Grant writing: Get expert advice and templates for crafting winning grant proposals that can help you secure funding from foundations and corporations.

  6. Major gifts: Learn how to identify, cultivate, and solicit major donors to support your organization’s most significant initiatives.

Our content is designed to be easy to understand and actionable, so you can start implementing our advice right away. We also offer personalized consulting services to help you tailor our content to your specific needs and goals.

At our website, we understand that fundraising can be challenging, especially for small and medium-sized nonprofits with limited resources. That’s why we are committed to providing you with the resources you need to succeed, so you can focus on making a difference in your community and beyond.

Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to helping you achieve your fundraising goals!


Steve Johnson



“The 4-Hour Fundraiser: How To Drum Up Donations In Just 20 Minutes A Day!”

Paperback version now available!

The hardcover version of this next books is available now on

Click here to “Look Inside” now…

What is The 4-Hour Fundraiser all about?t?

The 4-Hour Fundraiser is a concise, no-fluff system that teaches you how to quickly and easily raise between $3,000 to $10,000 for your nonprofit in a short amount of time. This book is not about theory or prospect psychology, but rather provides a two-step process that you can use to reach out, contact, talk to, email, and collect money from local businesses that benefit from supporting their local community.

In short: It is the perfect solution for those looking to run a quick fundraiser for events such as hosting a free community event, launching a new program or service, purchasing new equipment, getting sponsors to underwrite a workshop with VIP speakers, boosting a scholarship fund, running a winter coat drive for local school children, sponsoring an annual nonprofit awards banquet, and more.

Who can benefit from this book?

Anyone who volunteers or works for a nonprofit can benefit from this book and the toolkit that is included. The system is easy-to-follow, simple, and proven to work, making it perfect for those looking to raise funds for worthwhile projects.

What sets this book apart from other nonprofit fundraising books on the market today?

Unlike other books on this topic, The 4-Hour Fundraiser is not complicated, but rather delivers a simple, direct, and proven 2-step process that anyone can learn and put into practice. This book provides a clear path for anyone, anywhere, who wants to bring in bucks for the worthy nonprofit projects and events they believe in.

What is the value of this book?

Adding The 4-Hour Fundraiser to your arsenal is worth over $500 in hiring somebody to draft your letter and spending thousands of dollars having someone run your fundraiser for you. The value to you is that it costs just the price of the book, a little time getting ready, and simply 20 minutes of your time a day to drum up donations for your nonprofit.

What’s inside The 4-Hour Fundraiser?

The book begins by dissecting the mindset it will take to turn you into a superstar fundraising pro, including ways to gain confidence and overcome obstacles. It then provides a two-step fundraising strategy that you can start using the same day you learn about it. The book also includes a toolkit that provides guidance on how to create engaging email templates, scripts for phone calls, a tracking sheet, and more. The flow of the book is crafted to overcome obstacles and provide a clear path for everyone looking to raise funds for their nonprofit.

“The 4-Hour Fundraiser: How To Drum Up Donations In Just 20 Minutes A Day!” is now available.